Birding Brazil Tours & Nature Photography

First photographic record of the Dusky Purpletuft for Brazil

Dusky Purpletuft

Published: June 17, 2012

Text by Andrew Whittaker and Jaqueline Fortuna

This is the first documented photograph of the Dusky Purpletuft (Iodopleura fusca) for Brazil, made by Andrew Whittaker. This bird is principally restricted to the Guianas, poorly-known and rarely seen species. Andy was running the Amazon Manaus Area tour and photographed the Dusky Purpletuft with the group. Click here to see the register. Note in 2000 Andy Whittaker registred the first documented Brazilian record of this species, detailed in his paper with Guy Kirwan "Natural history data for the canopy-dwelling purpletufts Iodopleura (Cotingidae), and first documentation of Dusky Purpletuft I. fusca for Brazil". Click here to read.