The Cerrado region of Brazil is the most extensive woodland/savanna and dry forest ecosystems region in South America. One of the biologically richest savanna's in the world and a biological hotspot comprising 21 percent of the country. The endemics and habitat specific species are Blue-winged Macaw, Yellow-faced Parrot, Red-legged Seriema, White-eared Puffbird, Checkered Woodpecker, Hyacinth Visobearer, Horned Sungem, Rufous-winged Antshrike, Collared Cresentchest, Chapada Flycatcher, Rufous-sided Pygmy tyrant, White-rumped, White-banded and Cinnamon Tanager, Cinereous Warbling- Finch, Coal-crested Finch, Curl-crested Jay and Yellow-billed Blue Finch and many more. Check out our selection of tour photos below!
Itinerary 1: 09 days covering Minas Gerais: Serra do Cipó - Canastra National Park - Caraça Santuary
Itinerary 2: 05-07 days covering Emas National Park (native grasslands dissected by rich gallery forest & Cerrado)
Itinerary 3: 07 days tour South America's 'Big Five' (Brazilian Tapir, Giant Anteater, Giant River Otter, Jaguar, Maned Wolf), check photos here.